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The Outputs of Creative Ports: Learning Modules

To achieve increased capacity for internationalisation, the 14 Creative Ports project partners piloted so-called…

Policy Recommendations for CCI Internationalisation

You want to know more about the Policy Recommendations that were develeoped during the Creative Ports project?

The set of…

Hacking + Pitching for a Better Baltic Sea 2021 | Review

The annual Hacking + Pitching for a Better Baltic Sea took place on 13 and 14 of September, organised within Creative Ports by our…

Creative Ports Final Conference "On international waters" - Review

“The project is ending, but the activities will continue” – this could be the slogan of the Creative Ports Interreg Baltic Sea…

International Conference of Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies in…

The International Conference of Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR / VR) Technologies in Creative Industries took place at the site…