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CreaSus - Piloting Programme | Deadline 15 February 2025

Funding CCI in BSR Inspiration

The CreaSus - Sustainability Business Models for CCSIs piloting programme offers CCI organizations or independent professionals based in an EU27 country in one of these sectors (as defined by NACE codes) a strategic opportunity to integrate sustainability into their business practices, addressing social, environmental, and governance aspects while enhancing profitability. Through a comprehensive self-assessment process, participants can evaluate their performance, organize sustainability data, and use it to create added value in their offerings. CCSIs are expected to participate in CreaSus by using the self-assessment tool and other project resources, providing feedback on them, and participating in webinars or events.

Find more info and apply here:

Become a CreaSus - Sustainability Business Models for CCSIs piloting organization and discover your sustainable potential!

Deadline: Feb 15, 2025

Text by CreaSuS
Image by Jaanus Jagomagi on Unsplash