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International Coproduction Fund by Goethe-Institut | Deadline 01 September 2024

Decorative element advertising IKF

Image by Synaesthesik - Ginna Mora

Funding CCI in BSR Inspiration

With a maximal funding sum of 25.000 EUR per project the Goethe-Institut co-finances performing arts projects with a German partner and at least one partner from abroad. The partner from outside Germany should be intensely involved in the production of the work of music, theatre or dance. The project is allowed to take up to 24 months, starting no less than three months after the application, and must be presented in at least one venue outside Germany, whereas a performance in Germany is not a requirement but welcomed. Through transparent costs planning with own and third-party stakes it should become apparent that the project cannot solely be financed through own means. 

Equal partnership terms form a vital application condition in the IKF: The non-German partner creates the application and both cooperators have to significantly shape the process from concept to fleshed-out product, which is why no funding is provided for projects solely involving guest performances, tours or appearances at festivals to meet this criteria. Additionally, the Goethe-Institut does not consider funding for exhibitions or projects exclusively involving film production.

The IKF does not connect initiators to possible partners, but the website of the German Goethe-Institut presents outstanding performance projects financed through previous funds, that could inspire a collaboration.  

To increase your chances of success, your project could relate to current topics or issues. The more venues you use to present your result abroad and the more partners from different countries a project encompasses, the more likely becomes the possibility of a grant. Note though that commercial projects are not elegible. This call is rolling, which means that untill the deadline, applications are continously reviewed and accepted. 

Q & A sessions regarding the IKF will be held on July 10 2024 from 10.00 to 11.00 and July 12 2024 from 17.00 to 18.00 CET. Interested artists and cultoral professionals can register by sending an email to

You want to convince the jury of your international partnership programme? Click to find more information or access the application portal here

Deadline: 01 September 2024