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An Interview with Ida Åstrand | Creative Ports Pilot

CCI in BSR Inspiration CCI Contact Desk News

Ida Åstrand, Business Unit Manager and the team at Media Evolution in Southern Sweden, is arranging MESH Festival  that starts today. A brand new – free – online festival on creative work, design and regenerative thinking. We have asked Ida a few questions about the festival.

Dear Ida, how did the idea of MESH Festival come up?

We asked ourselves: What to do in Corona times, when you want to continue to learn, meet and great, and share knowledge?

”The Conference” has been around for years, and we see MESH as a baby sister. Our curator Cecilia Frankel is the real trooper here, putting together a great program (together with several other curious colleagues!).

Join in for a virtual pick and choose festival mixing inspiring talks, interactive workshops and roundtable discussions with linear TV, film streaming, artist showcases and other fun stuff. Thematically it will span over design, sustainability and technology.


Is there a session or workshop that is especially attractive?

There are MANY great stuff happening during the week, but I’m very curious on the workshop about thought-provoking data visualization poster, following a 4Ds creative process: Discover, Define, and Design with Data (11 November at 14:00 – 16:00 CET). As a participants you will walk away with an understanding of the process to create data visualization, an outline document full of useful resources, and a beautiful visualization to be used for noble purposes.


The MESH Festival is a brand new - free - online festival. The festival is a Crative Ports Internationalisation Tool Pilot.