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Game Mixer @ Hamburg Games Conference | Creative Ports Pilot

Lari Sirén [Project Coordinator] and Dr. Ralf Eppeneder [CCI-Expert]  from Goethe Institut are arranging the Gaming acceleration…

South Savo’s female entrepreneurs going international | digiSyke 2020

What does internationalisation mean to you?

Leveraging social media? Networking beyond country boarders? Can small creative…

Meet'N Match by Filmby Aarhus | Piloting Experiences

Katrine Broe Møller Sørensen, project manager and the team behind Filmby Aarhus in Central Jutland, Denmark, has arranged the…

Photo and video project KUMMARDUS by Tallinn Design House

KUMMARDUS (ENG: taking a bow) is a photo and video project by Tallinn Design House that introduces modern Estonian design through…

ABCD Scanning Tool for CCI Internationalisation | Creative Ports Pilot

The Scanning Tool aims to define current real needs for internationalisation within the Cultural Creative Industries in each…

NordArt Digital Tour on YouTube | Culture at Home

Since 1999 the NordArt has established itself as one of the largest exhibitions of contemporary art in Europe which takes place…