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Open Call Culture Moves Europe


The first Call of Culture Moves Europe for individual mobility of artists and cultural professionals is open!

Culture Moves Europe will provide financial support to partially fund the cost of travel (transport, accommodation, etc.) of selected applicants residing in a Creative Europe country and going to another Creative Europe country to implement a project with an international partner (organisation or individual). Applicants whose project have been selected will have one year starting from the date of signature of their grant agreement to complete their project.

The Call is open to artists and cultural professionals in the sectors architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, literary translation, music, visual arts and performing arts. Culture Moves Europe will grant special support to people living with disabilities and those taking care of children. The mobility action does not support air travel below a distance of 600km and encourages grantees to use more sustainable means of transport where possible through extra financial top-ups.

The Open Call Deadline is 31 May 2023. Find more information here.