The EIT – European Institute of Innovation and Technology made the decision which of 5 submitting consortia will be commissioned to establish an innovation network for Culture and Creative Industries, the EIT Culture & Creativity. The winning team, coordinated by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, is composed of 50 partners from 20 countries. In addition to the Goethe-Institut, the Centre Pompidou, European Cultural Foundation, Una Europa, Creative Industry Košice // CIKE, Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft, Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Falling Walls Foundation, In Place of War, Ars Electronica, Impact Hub, European Creative Hubs Network and many more are involved.
The mission of EIT Culture & Creativity is to promote innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries. With the power of arts and culture, with small communities and big players, with imagination and technology, the new #EITInnovationCommunity will strengthen innovation and drive the Green and Digital transformation in Europe.
The new pan-European partnership can expect to split approximately EUR 300 million of EIT funding under Horizon Europe (dedicated funding for two new EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities to be launched during the 2021-2027 EU funding period) with the possibility to leverage more funds from the private and public sector.