Filmby Aarhus is hosting the digital networking event "Meet'N Match" targeted at professionals in the gaming industry, especially game developers and SME's on 11 February.
“Meet'N Match” is an informal get-together, where the participants will get the oppurtunity to talk about their project, get feedback and possibly find new collegues or simply be inspired by other great games! The event consists of smaller breakout sessions where you will meet others to pitch, exchange, network and connect.
The participants have to preparean informal pitch in front of the other participants. The presentation must include the following four questions:
- Who are you?
- What are you working on right now?
- Which skills can you offer to other projects?
- Which skills are you looking for for your own projects?
The event will take place right after Digital Kids Today and is set for approximately two-three hours. There is only a limited number for participants so hurry up and register here!
“Meet'N Match” is sponsored by Creative Ports, financed by EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region.